7 Tips for Being an Amazing Indoor Gardener

7 Tips for Being an Amazing Indoor Gardener

Use these 7 tips, and your indoor garden will be incredible. Discover the top things to keep in mind when caring for your houseplants.

1. Correct Watering

  • The #1 cause of houseplant death is under or over-watering
  • Check plants for water readiness before watering
  • Use a moisture meter; water most plants when it shows 4 (next to 3, which is dry)
  • Don’t forget to water, as dried-out soil leads to dried-out plants
  • Always use warm or tepid water; cold water can damage roots

2. Correct Lighting

  • Critical for plant growth and photosynthesis
  • Most houseplants need medium light
  • Use full-spectrum lighting if natural light is insufficient
  • Monitor light levels, as window light may not be enough

3. Fertilizing

  • You are “mother/father nature” for potted plants
  • Aim to fertilize every 3-4 months for most houseplants
  • Flowering plants may need more frequent fertilizing
  • Use organic fertilizers

4. Controlling Pests and Diseases

  • Regularly check plants for signs of pests or diseases
  • Use a jeweler’s loupe for close inspection
  • Deal with issues immediately to prevent infestations
  • Refer to pest control video series for guidance

5. Re-potting

  • Repot most houseplants every 2-3 years
  • Use high-quality organic potting soil (e.g., Pro Mix BX, Happy Frog)
  • Best time to repot: late winter to early spring
  • Avoid repotting during cold winter months

6. Providing Sufficient Humidity

  • Some plants require high humidity (e.g., African violets, maidenhair fern)
  • More houseplants naturally increase humidity
  • Watch for signs of low humidity: brown leaf tips, crispy edges, leaf loss
  • Note: These symptoms can also indicate overwatering or root rot

7. Have Faith in Yourself and Your Houseplants

  • Maintain interest and care to keep plants healthy
  • Learn from failures to achieve success
  • Remember that plants clean the air, benefiting your health

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