Stromanthe Sanguiena Triostar Care: What to Know

Learn how to grow Stromanthe Sanguiena Triostar in your indoor garden and get this striking plant to thrive. Stromanthe Sanguiena, which is also known as Stromanthe thalia Triostar, is a diva and can be difficult to grow successfully indoors. If you know what to do, though, you can get this colorful plant to thrive. Learn what Stromanthe needs for lighting, watering, fertilizing, humidity, and more.


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Today, we have a plant care video for the gorgeous Stromanthe Triostar, also known as Stromanthe sanguinea or Stromanthe Thalia Triostar. I love how this plant is so eye-catching with its color combination of pink, green, and cream on the top of the leaves, and the absolutely gorgeous maroon on the underside. This plant is one of those that, when you enter your indoor garden, you see from across the room and can’t help but stare at it. Stromanthe can grow 2 to 3 feet high and 1 to 2 feet wide in your indoor garden.

Native to the jungles of Brazil, where it grows in the understory, Stromanthe Triostar is a member of the Marantaceae family, which means it is related to the Prayer Plant, Calathea, and Tenanthera—all known for their striking color patterns on variegated leaves. I have care videos on all of these plants, which I will link below, as well as any other videos I mention in this video.

Like many plants in the Marantaceae family, Stromanthe Triostar can be a bit difficult to grow indoors, but with the following growing tips, you can keep your plant healthy and happy in your indoor garden.

Lighting: As mentioned, Stromanthe Triostar grows on the forest floor, which means it does not tolerate bright light well. It does best in medium light. Good locations include 2 to 3 feet from an unobstructed eastern exposure window or under full-spectrum lighting. They will also do well in rooms with a lot of surrounding good light, such as sunrooms. However, in such cases, keep them away from the windows and positioned in the center of the room to avoid direct light. Too much bright, direct light can cause the leaves to curl inward and become sunburned.

Watering: Proper watering is crucial for keeping Stromanthe Triostar healthy. The plant does not like to dry out; if it does, the leaves will curl inward, and you may experience leaf loss. At the same time, avoid overwatering, as the plant does not like to be waterlogged. Aim to keep the soil consistently moist. Water when the top inch of soil has dried out and the moisture meter inserted 1/3 of the way into the pot registers 4. Always use warm water and preferably distilled, filtered, reverse osmosis, or rainwater, as Stromanthe can be sensitive to minerals in tap water like chlorine, chloramine, and fluoride.

Fertilizing: Stromanthe Triostar should be fertilized monthly from spring through late summer with a half-strength solution of an organic fertilizer. Chemical fertilizers are too harsh for this plant. Do not fertilize in the fall and winter months when the plant slows down its growth.

Humidity: Given its jungle origins, Stromanthe requires fairly high humidity to remain healthy and vibrant. If the humidity is too low, the leaves will brown at the edges and tips, and the leaves may drop. The ideal humidity range is 50% to 65%. Use a hygrometer to check your home’s humidity level. If it’s lower, increase the humidity with pebble trays, misting, a humidifier, or by grouping plants. Check out my humidity playlist, linked below, for further ideas on increasing humidity. When misting, use filtered water, as tap water can cause spotting on Stromanthe leaves.

Temperature: Stromanthe does not respond well to cold temperatures. The ideal temperature range is 70 to 85°F, though it can tolerate 65°F. Keep the plant away from cold drafts and forced air heating or air conditioning ducts. Smaller rooms like bathrooms can be good locations for Stromanthe, especially during colder months, provided they have light from a window or full-spectrum lighting.

Repotting: Repot Stromanthe Triostar when it has outgrown its pot, typically when the plant is 1/3 taller than the pot. Avoid repotting during the cold months; wait until spring and continue repotting through summer. Use high-quality organic potting soil that is rich but has drainage agents to prevent bogginess.

Pruning: Stromanthe doesn’t require much pruning. Simply cut out old leaves at the base of the plant, being careful not to cut into the stems.

Pests and Diseases: Stromanthe can attract spider mites if the humidity is low. Treat spider mites by spraying them off with water and then applying neem oil, which will kill eggs and cause adults to become infertile. You can also use horticultural soap to manage spider mites, especially in severe infestations. Increasing humidity will help prevent spider mites, as they thrive in dry conditions.

There you go—how to keep your beautiful Stromanthe Triostar happy and healthy in your indoor garden. Thank you for stopping by today. Please leave any comments about indoor gardening tutorials you’d like to see. Remember to like, comment, subscribe, and share this video, and hit the bell if you’d like to be notified when new videos are released.

Stromanthe Triostar Care FAQ

What lighting conditions are best for Stromanthe Triostar?

Stromanthe Triostar does best in medium light. It should be placed 2 to 3 feet from an unobstructed eastern exposure window or under full-spectrum lighting. Avoid direct bright light as it can cause the leaves to curl inward and become sunburned.

How should I water my Stromanthe Triostar?

Aim to keep the soil consistently moist. Water when the top inch of soil has dried out and the moisture meter inserted 1/3 of the way into the pot registers 4. Use warm water and preferably distilled, filtered, reverse osmosis, or rainwater. Avoid overwatering as well as letting the plant dry out.

When should I fertilize Stromanthe Triostar?

Fertilize Stromanthe Triostar monthly from spring through late summer with a half-strength solution of an organic fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing in the fall and winter months when the plant slows down its growth.

What humidity level is ideal for Stromanthe Triostar?

The ideal humidity range for Stromanthe Triostar is 50% to 65%. Increase humidity with pebble trays, misting, a humidifier, or by grouping plants. Use a hygrometer to check humidity levels, and use filtered water for misting to avoid spotting on the leaves.

What temperature does Stromanthe Triostar prefer?

The ideal temperature range for Stromanthe Triostar is 70 to 85°F, though it can tolerate 65°F. Keep the plant away from cold drafts and forced air heating or air conditioning ducts. Smaller rooms like bathrooms can be suitable locations, provided there is adequate light.

When should I repot Stromanthe Triostar?

Repot Stromanthe Triostar when it has outgrown its pot, typically when the plant is 1/3 taller than the pot. Avoid repotting during cold months; wait until spring and continue through summer. Use high-quality organic potting soil with drainage agents to prevent bogginess.

How do I prune Stromanthe Triostar?

Pruning Stromanthe Triostar is minimal. Simply cut out old leaves at the base of the plant, being careful not to cut into the stems.

What should I do about pests and diseases?

Stromanthe Triostar can attract spider mites if the humidity is low. Treat spider mites by spraying them off with water and then applying neem oil or horticultural soap. Increasing humidity will help prevent spider mites as they thrive in dry conditions.

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