Algerian Ivy Care: What to Know

Learn how to grow Algerian Ivy in your indoor garden and get this pretty plant to thrive. Many ivies are hard to grow indoors, but Alergian Ivy (Hedera algeriensis) can do very well in the indoor garden. Learn what the plant needs for lighting, watering, fertilizing, humidity, and more. 




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Welcome to, where we teach you all about indoor gardening! If you’d like to support my show and get help growing your houseplants, check out my Patreon below. Today, we’re spotlighting Algerian Ivy, botanically known as Hedera algeriensis. This eye-catching plant is native to the coastal mountains of Algeria and the North African coast. While ivy can be challenging to grow indoors, Algerian Ivy is one of the easier selections.

In its native habitat, Algerian Ivy can grow aggressively, reaching up to 80 feet long. Indoors, however, it remains more manageable and is perfect for trailing or growing tall. The plant is well-suited for indoor growth due to its adaptability.

Lighting: Algerian Ivy thrives in bright, indirect light. While it can survive in lower light conditions, growth will be slower, and the plant may attract pests and diseases. Place it near an unobstructed Eastern window or 2 to 3 feet from a southern window. Avoid placing it too close to Southern or Western windows to prevent leaf burn from direct sunlight.

Watering: Water Algerian Ivy when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil has dried out, or when a moisture meter reads four. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while underwatering may cause leaf loss and dryness. Always use warm water and consider downsizing the pot if the plant has lost many leaves.

Fertilizing: Fertilize Algerian Ivy monthly from spring through fall with an organic fertilizer. Avoid chemical fertilizers, and do not fertilize during winter when the plant’s growth slows down.

Humidity: Algerian Ivy prefers a humid environment but can tolerate average indoor humidity of 45-55%. For best results, provide extra humidity with a humidity tray, misting, or a humidifier. Grouping plants can also help increase humidity. Use a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels.

Temperature: Algerian Ivy is tolerant of temperatures between 60 to 80°F and can handle brief periods below 60°F. Avoid placing the plant near heating or air conditioning vents, as this can dry out the leaves.

Repotting: Repot Algerian Ivy when the plant surpasses the 2/3 plant to 1/3 pot ratio. Typically, repot in spring through midsummer using high-quality organic potting soil with added drainage. Avoid repotting during cold months.

Pruning: To keep Algerian Ivy compact, prune the ends of the vines back to a set of leaves. This encourages branching and a bushier appearance.

Pests and Diseases: Root rot can occur from overwatering. Algerian Ivy is also susceptible to spider mites, which thrive in dry conditions. Treat spider mites with insecticidal soap and maintain higher humidity to prevent them.

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Algerian Ivy: Your Questions Answered

What is Algerian Ivy?

Algerian Ivy, scientifically known as Hedera algeriensis, is a striking indoor plant native to the coastal mountains of Algeria and North Africa. It is easier to grow indoors compared to other ivy species and is ideal for trailing or growing tall.

What lighting conditions does Algerian Ivy need?

Algerian Ivy thrives in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate lower light conditions but will grow slower and may attract pests and diseases. Place it near an unobstructed eastern window or 2 to 3 feet from a southern window, and avoid direct sunlight to prevent leaf burn.

How often should I water Algerian Ivy?

Water Algerian Ivy when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil have dried out, or when a moisture meter reads four. Overwatering can cause root rot, while underwatering may lead to leaf loss and dryness. Use warm water and consider downsizing the pot if the plant has lost many leaves.

How should I fertilize Algerian Ivy?

Fertilize Algerian Ivy monthly from spring through fall with an organic fertilizer. Avoid chemical fertilizers and do not fertilize during winter when the plant’s growth slows.

What humidity level is best for Algerian Ivy?

Algerian Ivy prefers a humid environment but can tolerate average indoor humidity of 45-55%. For optimal growth, provide extra humidity with a humidity tray, misting, or a humidifier. Grouping plants can also help increase humidity.

What temperature does Algerian Ivy need?

Algerian Ivy thrives in temperatures between 60 to 80°F and can handle brief periods below 60°F. Avoid placing the plant near heating or air conditioning vents, as this can dry out the leaves.

When should I repot Algerian Ivy?

Repot Algerian Ivy when the plant exceeds a 2/3 plant to 1/3 pot ratio. Typically, repot in spring through midsummer using high-quality organic potting soil with added drainage. Avoid repotting during colder months.

How do I prune Algerian Ivy?

To maintain a compact appearance, prune the ends of the vines back to a set of leaves. This encourages branching and results in a bushier plant.

What pests and diseases should I watch for?

Root rot can occur from overwatering. Algerian Ivy is also susceptible to spider mites, especially in dry conditions. Treat spider mites with insecticidal soap and maintain higher humidity to prevent them.

Where can I find more information about growing Algerian Ivy?

For additional tips and care instructions, visit and check out our related videos and articles.

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