About Flamingo Flower

Flamingo Flower Introduction

The Anthurium andraeanum, commonly known as the Flamingo Flower or Painter’s Palette, is a striking tropical plant native to Colombia and Ecuador. This evergreen perennial is prized for its vibrant, heart-shaped flowers, which are actually modified leaves called spathes, and its glossy, dark green foliage. The true flowers are tiny and clustered on a protruding spadix, which is often mistaken for the plant’s stamen.

Anthurium andraeanum is part of the Araceae family and is known for its long-lasting blooms that can persist for several weeks or even months. The spathes come in a variety of colors, including red, pink, white, and even multi-colored varieties. The plant’s leaves are typically large, leathery, and heart-shaped, adding to its ornamental value even when not in bloom.

In its natural habitat, Anthurium andraeanum grows as an epiphyte, often found clinging to tree trunks or nestled in the crotches of tree branches. This adaptation allows it to thrive in environments with high humidity and indirect light, conditions that should be mimicked when growing the plant indoors. The Flamingo Flower has gained popularity as a houseplant due to its exotic appearance and relatively easy care requirements, making it a favorite among both novice and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Flamingo Flower Care & Growing Guide

Caring for Anthurium andraeanum requires attention to several key factors to ensure its health and encourage its stunning blooms. This tropical plant thrives in conditions that mimic its native rainforest environment, including warm temperatures, high humidity, and bright, indirect light.

First and foremost, proper lighting is crucial for the Flamingo Flower. It prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light conditions, although this may result in fewer blooms. Direct sunlight should be avoided as it can scorch the leaves. In terms of watering, Anthurium andraeanum likes to be kept consistently moist but not waterlogged. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings, and ensure the pot has good drainage to prevent root rot.

Humidity is another critical factor in the care of Anthurium andraeanum. These plants thrive in high humidity environments, ideally around 60-80%. In drier climates or during winter months when indoor air tends to be drier, you may need to increase humidity through methods such as misting, using a pebble tray, or placing a humidifier nearby. Regular fertilization during the growing season with a balanced, phosphorus-rich fertilizer will help promote healthy growth and abundant blooms. Lastly, maintaining a warm temperature between 70-90Β°F (21-32Β°C) and protecting the plant from cold drafts will ensure optimal growth conditions for your Flamingo Flower.


Anthurium andraeanum prefers a well-draining, airy potting mix. An ideal soil composition would be a mixture of peat moss, pine bark, and perlite or coarse sand. The pH range should be slightly acidic to neutral, between 5.5 and 6.5. Good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot, so ensure the pot has adequate drainage holes.

The ideal soil should retain some moisture while allowing excess water to drain freely. Adding orchid bark or charcoal to the mix can improve aeration and drainage. Anthuriums benefit from soil rich in organic matter, so incorporating compost or well-rotted manure can be beneficial.

Soil problems to watch out for include:
1. Poor drainage: Can lead to root rot and fungal diseases.
2. Compaction: Restricts root growth and oxygen availability.
3. Inappropriate pH: Can affect nutrient availability.
4. Salt build-up: Can occur from over-fertilization or hard water.
5. Nutrient deficiencies: May result from poor soil quality or pH imbalance.
6. Root boundness: Can occur if the plant outgrows its pot, restricting growth and nutrient uptake.

Houseplant Fertilizer Fertilizer

Anthurium andraeanum benefits from regular fertilization during its active growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with an NPK ratio of 3-1-2 or 5-10-5, diluted to half strength. Apply every 6-8 weeks during the growing season.

Signs of over-fertilization include brown leaf tips, leaf burn, and stunted growth. Under-fertilization may result in slow growth, smaller leaves, and fewer flowers.

Organic alternatives include fish emulsion or seaweed-based fertilizers. These can be applied monthly at half strength.

Anthuriums are particularly sensitive to phosphorus deficiency, which can result in dark green leaves and reduced flowering. If this occurs, consider using a bloom-boosting fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content.

Always water the plant thoroughly before fertilizing to prevent root burn. During the winter months, reduce or stop fertilization as the plant’s growth slows down.

Houseplant Watering Watering

Anthurium andraeanum prefers consistent moisture but is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. These plants prefer water that is room temperature and free of chemicals. Distilled water or rainwater is ideal, but if using tap water, let it sit out overnight to allow chlorine to dissipate.

Signs of underwatering include wilting leaves, brown leaf edges, and slow growth. Overwatering symptoms include yellowing leaves, mushy stems, and a general droopy appearance. Root rot may occur if the soil is consistently waterlogged.

Watering needs may change seasonally. During the growing season (spring and summer), the plant may need more frequent watering. In winter, when growth slows, reduce watering frequency. Always check the soil moisture before watering rather than sticking to a strict schedule.

Houseplant Lighting Lighting

Anthurium andraeanum thrives in bright, indirect light. In their natural habitat, these plants grow under the canopy of larger trees, receiving dappled sunlight. Indoors, place them near a north or east-facing window where they can receive plenty of light without direct sun exposure.

Signs of insufficient light include slow growth, smaller leaves, and fewer flowers. The plant may also become leggy as it stretches towards light sources. In contrast, too much direct sunlight can cause leaf burn, resulting in brown, crispy patches on the leaves.

If natural light conditions are suboptimal, you can supplement with artificial grow lights. LED or fluorescent lights can be used effectively. Position the lights about 6-12 inches above the plant and provide 12-14 hours of light per day. If the plant is in a too-bright location, try moving it further from the window or using a sheer curtain to filter the light.

Houseplant Temperature Temperature

Anthurium andraeanum thrives in warm temperatures, ideally between 70-90Β°F (21-32Β°C). These tropical plants are not cold-hardy and can suffer damage if exposed to temperatures below 50Β°F (10Β°C).

The plant can tolerate slight temperature fluctuations but prefers a stable environment. It’s sensitive to cold drafts, so keep it away from air conditioning vents or drafty windows in winter.

To protect Anthurium andraeanum from extreme temperatures:
1. In summer, if temperatures exceed 90Β°F (32Β°C), provide shade and increase humidity.
2. In winter, move the plant away from cold windows and doors.
3. Avoid placing the plant near heating vents, which can cause dry air and temperature fluctuations.
4. If outdoor temperatures drop below 50Β°F (10Β°C), bring the plant indoors.

Consistent temperatures within the ideal range will promote healthy growth and abundant flowering.

Houseplant Humidity Humidity

Anthurium andraeanum thrives in high humidity environments, ideally between 60-80%. These tropical plants naturally grow in humid rainforests, so replicating these conditions will help them flourish.

Symptoms of low humidity stress include brown leaf tips, curling leaves, and reduced flowering. High humidity rarely causes issues for anthuriums, but in extreme cases, it could contribute to fungal growth if paired with poor air circulation.

To increase humidity:
1. Use a pebble tray: Place the pot on a tray filled with pebbles and water, ensuring the pot doesn’t sit directly in the water.
2. Misting: Lightly mist the leaves daily, preferably in the morning to allow water to evaporate during the day.
3. Humidifier: A room humidifier is very effective, especially in dry climates or during winter.
4. Grouping plants: Placing several plants together can create a microclimate with higher humidity.

Of these methods, using a humidifier is typically the most effective and consistent for maintaining high humidity levels for Anthurium andraeanum.

HouseplantPropagation Propagation

Anthurium andraeanum can be propagated through several methods, with stem cuttings and division being the most common. Here’s a step-by-step guide for stem cutting propagation:

1. Choose a healthy stem with at least two leaves and one node.
2. Using clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears, cut the stem just below a node.
3. Remove the lower leaves, leaving 1-2 leaves at the top.
4. (Optional) Dip the cut end in rooting hormone to encourage root growth.
5. Plant the cutting in a well-draining potting mix, ensuring the node is below the soil surface.
6. Water lightly and place the pot in a warm, humid location with bright, indirect light.
7. Maintain high humidity by covering with a clear plastic bag, leaving it open slightly for air circulation.
8. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.
9. Roots should develop in 4-6 weeks. Gently tug on the cutting; if you feel resistance, roots have formed.
10. Once roots are established, remove the plastic cover and care for it as a mature plant.

Division is another successful method, best done during repotting in spring:

1. Carefully remove the plant from its pot.
2. Gently separate the root ball into sections, ensuring each section has roots and leaves.
3. Plant each division in a separate pot with fresh potting mix.
4. Water thoroughly and place in a warm, humid location with indirect light.

Stem cuttings generally have a higher success rate than division for Anthurium andraeanum. The best time to propagate is in spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing. New plants typically take 3-6 months to establish fully.

Houseplant Potting Potting

Anthurium andraeanum prefers a pot that is slightly larger than its root system, typically 1-2 inches wider in diameter. Choose a pot with good drainage holes to prevent water accumulation. Terracotta or clay pots are ideal as they allow for better air circulation to the roots.

The ideal potting mix should be well-draining yet moisture-retentive. A mixture of equal parts peat moss, pine bark, and perlite works well. Alternatively, use a high-quality orchid mix with added perlite.

Repot your Anthurium every 2-3 years or when it becomes root-bound. Signs that indicate repotting is needed include:
– Roots growing out of drainage holes
– Plant drying out quickly between waterings
– Slowed growth or reduced flowering
– Soil level has sunken in the pot

To repot:
1. Water the plant a day before repotting to reduce stress.
2. Gently remove the plant from its current pot.
3. Inspect the roots and trim any that are dead or rotting.
4. Place the plant in the new pot at the same depth it was previously growing.
5. Fill around the roots with fresh potting mix, firming gently.
6. Water thoroughly and place in a warm, humid location with indirect light.

Avoid fertilizing immediately after repotting to prevent root burn. Wait about a month before resuming regular fertilization.

Houseplant Pruning Pruning

  1. Timing: Prune Anthurium andraeanum as needed throughout the year, but avoid heavy pruning during the plant’s active growing season (spring and summer).
  2. Purpose: Pruning helps maintain the plant’s shape, remove dead or yellowing leaves, and encourage bushier growth.
  3. Tools: Use clean, sharp pruning shears or scissors to make clean cuts and prevent disease transmission.
  4. Preparation: Sanitize your tools with rubbing alcohol or a diluted bleach solution before pruning.
  5. Pruning process:
    • Remove any dead, yellowing, or damaged leaves by cutting them off at the base of the stem.
    • Trim off spent flowers (spathes) once they start to fade to encourage new blooms.
    • If the plant is becoming leggy, cut back long stems to promote bushier growth.
    • For general shaping, cut stems back to just above a leaf node.
  6. Aftercare: After pruning, water the plant lightly and place it in a location with bright, indirect light.
  7. Special considerations:
    • Always make clean cuts at a 45-degree angle to prevent water from pooling on cut surfaces.
    • Avoid removing more than 1/3 of the plant’s foliage at once to prevent stress.
    • If propagating, save healthy cuttings for propagation instead of discarding them.

Houseplant Blooming Blooming

Anthurium andraeanum can bloom year-round under optimal conditions. Each bloom typically lasts 6-8 weeks. The frequency of blooming depends on light levels, nutrition, and overall plant health. Optimal conditions for blooming include bright, indirect light, consistent moisture, high humidity, and regular fertilization. The flowers are actually modified leaves (spathes) that come in various colors, with a protruding spadix in the center.

Houseplant Problems Pests and Diseases


Common issues

0: Spider mites, Tiny webs on leaves, stippling or speckling on leaves, overall plant decline, Increase humidity, spray with neem oil or insecticidal soap, wipe leaves with damp cloth regularly
1: Mealybugs, White, cottony masses on leaves and stems, Remove with cotton swab dipped in alcohol, apply neem oil or insecticidal soap
2: Aphids, Clusters of small insects on new growth, distorted leaves, Spray with strong water jet, apply neem oil or insecticidal soap


Common issues

0: Root rot, Yellowing leaves, wilting, mushy stems, foul odor from soil, Remove affected parts, repot in fresh, well-draining soil, reduce watering
1: Leaf blight, Brown or black spots on leaves that may spread, Remove affected leaves, improve air circulation, avoid overhead watering
2: Bacterial wilt, Wilting leaves, yellowing, stunted growth, Remove and destroy infected plants, sterilize tools and pots

Houseplant Features Special Features

Anthurium andraeanum is known for its long-lasting, vibrant flowers (spathes) that can persist for several weeks to months. The heart-shaped leaves and flowers make it a popular choice for floral arrangements. Some varieties have a light fragrance, and the plant is also valued for its air-purifying qualities, helping to remove formaldehyde, xylene, and ammonia from indoor air.

Houseplant Benefits Plant Benefits

While Anthurium andraeanum is primarily grown for ornamental purposes, it does have some air-purifying benefits. Studies have shown that it can help remove formaldehyde, xylene, and ammonia from indoor air. However, it’s important to note that the plant is toxic if ingested, so it should not be used for herbal or medicinal purposes.

Houseplant Benefits Additional Information

Anthurium andraeanum is often used in floral arrangements due to its long-lasting blooms. In some cultures, it’s considered a symbol of hospitality. The plant is also part of NASA’s Clean Air Study, which identified houseplants that are effective in removing indoor air pollutants.

Houseplant Lifecycle Life Cycle

Anthurium andraeanum is a perennial plant that can live for many years with proper care. In its natural habitat, it grows as an epiphyte, often on tree trunks or branches. The plant goes through cycles of growth and flowering throughout the year, with peak growth typically occurring in spring and summer. Under optimal conditions, it can produce flowers year-round, with each bloom lasting several weeks to months. The plant reproduces through seeds or by producing offsets, which can be separated for propagation.

Houseplant ToxicityAre Flamingo Flower Poisonous, Toxic

Anthurium andraeanum is toxic to cats, dogs, and children if ingested. All parts of the plant contain calcium oxalate crystals, which can cause severe irritation and swelling of the mouth, tongue, and throat if chewed or eaten. Symptoms include difficulty swallowing, excessive drooling, and vomiting. In severe cases, it can cause difficulty breathing. The sap can also cause skin irritation. If ingestion occurs, rinse the mouth with water and seek immediate medical or veterinary attention. To prevent toxicity, keep the plant out of reach of children and pets, and wear gloves when handling the plant.

Houseplant FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Are Anthuriums poisonous to pets?

Yes, Anthuriums are toxic to cats, dogs, and other pets if ingested. The plant contains calcium oxalate crystals that can cause irritation and discomfort if swallowed.

How often should I water my Anthurium?

Anthuriums prefer consistent, moderate watering. Water when the top inch of soil becomes dry, but avoid letting the soil dry out completely. Reduce watering during the winter months when growth is slower.

What type of soil do Anthuriums need?

Anthuriums thrive in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil with a slightly acidic to neutral pH between 5.5-7.0. A potting mix formulated for tropical plants or a combination of peat moss, bark, and perlite works well.

How much light do Anthuriums need?

Anthuriums prefer bright, indirect light. They can tolerate some direct sun, but too much exposure can cause the leaves to scorch. If grown indoors, place the plant near a sunny window, but avoid direct sunlight.

How often should I fertilize my Anthurium?

Feed Anthuriums every 2-3 months during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half-strength. Avoid over-fertilizing, as this can lead to excessive leaf growth at the expense of flowering.

Can Anthuriums be propagated?

Yes, Anthuriums can be propagated through division or stem cuttings. Propagation is best done in the spring or early summer when the plant is actively growing.

How often should I repot my Anthurium?

Anthuriums should be repotted every 2-3 years or when the roots become severely pot-bound. Use a well-draining potting mix and choose a pot that is only 1-2 inches wider than the previous one.

What are some common pests and diseases that affect Anthuriums?

Common pests include spider mites, mealybugs, aphids, and scale insects. Common diseases include bacterial blight, root rot, anthracnose, and leaf spot. Proper care and monitoring can help prevent and manage these issues.

Do Anthuriums have any special features?

Anthuriums are known for their long-lasting, showy flowers that can bloom for several months at a time. The waxy, heart-shaped blooms come in a variety of vibrant colors and make excellent cut flowers. Anthuriums also have a pleasant, slightly spicy fragrance.

Are Anthuriums good air purifiers?

Yes, Anthuriums are considered to be medium-level air purifiers, helping to remove various toxins and pollutants from the air in your home or office.

Can I grow Flamingo Flower indoors











Pet Safe


Air Purifier


Anthurium andraeanum botanical details

Common Name

Flamingo Flower

Other Common Names

Painter’s Palette, Tail Flower, Laceleaf

Botanical Name

Anthurium andraeanum

Native Area

Colombia and Ecuador

Family Name


Plant Type






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Why did the Anthurium go to therapy? It had too many issues with its roots!