Why Repot New Houseplants

Why Repot New Houseplants

Learn why it’s important to repot houseplants soon after you buy them. New houseplants may have a variety of problems that you can fix by repotting them. Repotting houseplants soon after you get them can help prevent root rot. Repotting new houseplants will also help you avoid the plant going into fertilizer and growth hormone withdrawal. Repotting new houseplants is also a good idea to remove salts built up in the soil. All of the reasons to repot new houseplants. If you don’t have time to repot, the video shows you what to do to help the plant prior to repotting.

Video on Ficus lyrata (Matilda) revival video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d928G…

Video that discusses growth hormones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ6uc…