How Mycorrhizal Fungi Helps Your Houseplants

How Mycorrhizal Fungi Helps Your Houseplants

Find out what mycorrhizae are and how this microscopic fungi helps your houseplants. You can’t see mycorrhizae with the naked eye, but they can make your houseplants extra healthy. These fungi have been out in nature since the beginning of time. They have a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. In exchange for attaching to the plant roots, mycorrhizae go out and get more water and more nutrients than the plants can on their own. You can apply mycorrhizal fungi to your houseplant soil and get potting soil that has mycorrhizae.

Hello and welcome to, where we teach you all about gardening in the great indoors. Today’s indoor gardening video is sponsored by our Amazon affiliate link, which you can find in the description below.

Today, I’m going to share a secret that will help your indoor plants grow lush and healthy: mycorrhizal fungi, also known as micro-IV. This microscopic fungus naturally occurs in nature and plays a crucial role. It attaches itself to plant roots, enhancing their ability to absorb nutrients and water beyond what the plant can do alone.

Mycorrhizal fungi create a self-sustaining environment in your soil, promoting stronger and healthier root systems, which in turn, supports vigorous plant growth. Golf courses use this fungi to keep their lawns green and drought-tolerant, and you can apply the same principle to your houseplants.

You can find mycorrhizal fungi in granular form or in premium potting soils like Dr. Earth and Pro-Mix. These products are formulated to boost plant health and resilience.

To effectively introduce mycorrhizal fungi to existing plants, use a tool like a dibble or pencil to create small holes around the root zone. Carefully pour the fungi into the holes, following package instructions. Gently cover the holes with soil and water thoroughly to activate the fungi.

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