Make a Quick and Easy Halloween Terrarium

Quick and Easy Halloween Terrarium: A Fun, Spooky DIY Project!Looking for a spooktacular project that’s quick, easy, and perfect for Halloween? Try making a Halloween terrarium! With a few small plants, some spooky accessories, and a terrarium...

7 Tips for Growing Tasty Tomatoes Indoors

7 Tips for Growing Tasty Tomatoes IndoorsThe following is a guest post by garden blog owner Richard Clayton. His website, My Greenery Life, discusses everything about lawn care, DIY gardening, and critter control topics.If you have a short summer...

Gifts for indoor gardeners

Gifts for indoor gardeners. Some great ideas for what to get houseplant lovers, including amaryllis and an indoor herb garden. gifts for houseplant lovers, gifts for indoor gardeners, indoor gardening gifts, houseplant...

Are Your Houseplants Happy?

Are Your Houseplants Happy? If your houseplants could visit a plant whisperer for a heart-to-heart, what would they say? Are they happy and healthy, glad to be part of your home? Or are things a little less than ideal? Not sure what your...

Why are the Tips of Your Houseplant Leaves Brown?

Why are the Tips of Your Houseplant Leaves Brown? Are your houseplants (and you) bothered by leaf tip burn? Though it may look like a disease,browning tips of otherwise healthy houseplant leaves indicates one or more of the...

How to Grow Garlic Indoors for Newbies

How to Grow Garlic Indoors for Newbies Guest blog post by Ann Sanders, founder and editor of A Green Hand. Growing garlic indoors is a rewarding way to ensure a fresh supply of this flavorful bulb year-round. Whether you’re a...

African Violet Care

About African Violets There are about 21 species and many cultivars of this fast-growing, low and mounding plant with colorful flowers that come in a variety of colors in clusters of single,...

Give Me Light… or Give Me Death…

Give Me Light... or Give Me Death... As owners of houseplants, we’ve all done this. (Okay, maybe not ALL of us—but if you read further, you’ll probably recognize yourself.  I know I’ve...

Black Gold for Your Indoor Garden

Black Gold for Your Indoor Garden: You Can Grow That! Any idea what creature makes a nutrient-rich fertilizer that creates disease and pest resistance in plants? Hint: this little fella can boast that his “you know what”...

Houseplants Happily Clean Your Indoor Air

How Houseplants Clean Your Indoor Air In the late 1990s, when I interviewed B.C. Wolverton about his new book, How to Grow Fresh Air: 50 House Plants that Purify Your Home or Office, indoor gardeners everywhere cheered. Finally, houseplants...