What Are the White, Cottony Bugs on My Houseplants?

Mealybugs are white, cottony pests that wreak havoc on your houseplants. See what they look like, and find out how to quickly and cheaply get rid of them.Video on another way to get rid of mealybugs on...

How to Get Rescued Houseplants to Thrive

If you’ve rescued a houseplant and really want to bring it back to its glory days, this video will help. Learn the secrets to rescuing houseplants and getting them healthy again. Tips include separating...

Water your Houseplants with Rainwater

Rainwater is a great source of water for your houseplants. Catch and bring the rain indoors, or put your houseplants outside in a gentle shower. This video shares the power of rainwater, including how it washes...

How to Save an Injured Houseplant

If you’ve injured or broken a houseplant stem or even the trunk, it is possible to do “emergency surgery” that could save the plant. This video shows a coleus that was injured. I did “triage” surgery on the plant...

How Mycorrhizal Fungi Helps Your Houseplants

Find out what mycorrhizae are and how this microscopic fungi helps your houseplants. You can’t see mycorrhizae with the naked eye, but they can make your houseplants extra healthy. These fungi have been out in...

How to Successfully Repot an African Violet

To flower continuously, African violets need to be repotted regularly. Discover the steps to repotting an African violet. Find out the type of soil you want to use and how often to repot. The video shows the...

Why and How to Mulch Your Houseplants

Mulching your houseplants can cut back on the need to water by 50 percent. This video shows you how to mulch your houseplants. Also find out the other good reasons to mulch your houseplants, such as how mulch...

Artificial Full-Spectrum Lighting for Houseplants

If you want healthy houseplants that look good and flower and fruit, proper lighting is a necessity. This video covers the type of light you can expect from windows and how it isn’t always enough for your...

What is Humic Acid and How it Helps Houseplants

Humic acid, also known as humus, is a brown substance that forms out in nature when leaves fall on the ground and decompose. Rich in nutrients and organic matter, humus creates an environment that supports and...

How to Revive a Dumbcane Dieffenbachia (Part 1)

This video shows you how to nurse a dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) back to health. The video touches on proper plant care, including watering, lighting, pruning and repotting in organic soil. Putting the plant in new...