Celebrating National Indoor Plant Week and the Benefits of Houseplants

Celebrating National Indoor Plant Week and the Benefits of Houseplants We had a blast at Healthy Houseplants celebrating the recent 2014 National Indoor Plant Week. The festivities...

Me and This Houseplant-Ms. Calathea

Me and This Houseplant-Ms. Calathea: You Can Grow That! I’m going to tell you a story.   It may be a story that you’ve experienced yourself.   With your own picky...

How to Water Houseplants

How to Water Houseplants: You Can Grow That! At first glance, watering might seem like the indoor gardener’s easiest chore, but it’s...

Prevent Potting Soil Fires in Your Houseplants

Prevent Potting Soil Fires in Your HouseplantsSeveral years ago, I read that certain types of fabric can be quite flammable. This came as a surprise, as I hadn’t realized the clothes we wear could easily catch fire. I didn’t fully believe it...

Houseplant Jargon: Do You Pot Up in Your Indoor Garden?

Houseplant Jargon: Do You Pot Up in Your Indoor Garden? If you talk to your houseplants like I do and family or friends overhear, they might be a little concerned....

Houseplants for Low Light

Houseplants for Low Light: You Can Grow That! Maybe it’s Murphy’s Law for indoor gardeners—I’m not sure. But for some reason, many indoor gardeners live in homes that require they...

🥑 Grow an Avocado Tree from a Pit? Now What?

Grow an Avocado Tree from a Pit? Now What? You Can Grow That! When I wrote an article on how to grow houseplants from kitchen scraps a...

A Guide to Houseplants Infographic

A Guide to Houseplants Infographic-You Can Grow That! For a quick look at the myriad ways that houseplants make our lives infinitely better, take a look at this comprehensive...

Ficus Benjamina Finds a Good Home

Ficus Benjamina Finds a Good Home-You Can Grow That! Whenever new people come into my life, I warn them. Whereas some will state, “I hope you like dogs or cats,” in the spirit of...

Celebrate National Houseplant Day with Exotic Angel Plants

Celebrate National Houseplant Day with Exotic Angel Plants-You Can Grow That! To celebrate National Houseplant Day at Healthy Houseplants we’re highlighting three gorgeous plants...