6 Tasty Herbs to Grow Indoors this Fall and Winter

6 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors This Fall and Winter: Tips for Fresh, Homegrown Flavors When the weather outside becomes cold and dreary, cooking with fresh herbs from your indoor...

Anyone Can Raise Healthy Houseplants–Even You!

Anyone Can Raise Healthy Houseplants--Even You! Editor’s note: This is a guest blog post from Jonathan Senneff, who is with Plant Interscapes. For this author, the houseplant bug bit when...

How to Grow Healthy Houseplants

How to Grow Healthy Houseplants: You Can Grow That! If growing healthy houseplants seems like an out-of-reach feat that you can’t seem to accomplish with any regularity, take these indoor gardening rules to heart. Provide...

Root Mass Matters when Repotting Houseplants (Part 2)

In this video, we check in with Marco, the Parlor Palm that was repotted in Part 1. Marco has greened up and is doing well after being repotted. He’s not quite ready yet for potting up to a larger pot, so...

African Violet Revival (Part 2)

In this video, we check in with Gertrude, an African violet we started reviving a month ago. The plant is doing well, putting on healthy new growth. See how good she looks and when she will need repotting in the...

Edema: Does Your Houseplant Have It?

This video shows you what edema looks like on houseplant leaves. Find out why these brown bumps occur on your houseplant leaves and how to avoid them. Edema isn’t a disease, it is a condition caused by...

Ming Aralia Care: What to Know

Ming Aralia Care: What to Know Find out how to take care of ming aralia. This variety, Fabian, makes a gorgeous addition to the home. Discover how much...

Heart-Leaf Philodendron Revival (Part 2)

In this video, we check in with George, the heart-leaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceaum) we started reviving a little more than 3 months ago. The plant is now thriving and growing well. See how well...

How and Where to Prune Houseplants

In this video, see where to prune your houseplants and how. You want to prune right above a leaf node. This video shows you where the leaf nodes are located. If you don’t prune above a leaf node, the plant won’t...