Category: Healthy Houseplants Blog

My Top 6 Favorite Gorgeous, Low-Maintenance Houseplants

Some stunning houseplants swivel heads, but if they’re a challenge to keep alive indoors, their beauty soon fades. That leads to a lot of disappointment. Indoor gardeners tend to want to grow eye-catching houseplants, though. I know I do!So, I’ve put together a...

Winter Watering Guide for Healthy Houseplants

Winter weather can be treacherous for houseplants. Not for the reason you might think. True, many houseplants are tropical and don’t grow well in cold temperatures. But the number one cause of houseplant death during winter is watering mistakes.At no time are...

Grow Gorgeous Albo Pothos in Your Indoor Garden

When it comes to easy-to-grow houseplants, pothos tops the charts. Grow Albo Pothos in your indoor garden, and you get the same ease of growth combined with spectacular variegated and fenestrated foliage.According to Justin Hancock, Horticulturist at Costa Farms,...

How to Grow Salad Indoors

Growing Salad in Your Indoor Garden Guest post by Richard Clayton, owner of a small gardening shop and publisher of My Greenery Life, where he discusses everything you need to know about lawncare...

Peperomia tetraphylla ‘Hope’ Indoor Care

Peperomia tetraphylla ‘Hope’ is an easy to grow houseplant perfect for beginning indoor gardeners.

‘Red Congo’ Philodendron Indoor Care

Red Congo Philodendron is an easy-to-grow tropical beauty for your indoor garden. Discover how to grow this houseplant.

Growing Flowers from Seed in Your Indoor Garden

Growing flowers from seed in your indoor garden is easy and fun. Follow these tips for decorating your home with flowers.

Ponytail Palm Care Indoors

Ponytail palm, known botanically as Beaucarnea recurvata, is an eye-catching, easy to grow houseplant. Find out how to grow this tropical succulent.

New Wild Orchids Stamps!

New Wild Orchids Stamps! Do you love orchids? Besides growing orchids indoors as houseplants, you can now put orchids on your mail. The U.S. Postal Service just unveiled beautiful Wild Orchids forever stamps on February 21,...

Water Garden - Kemp Rd

Create Stunning Indoor Aquatic Gardens: A Guide to Underwater Houseplants

Plant an Aquatic Houseplant Container Water and plants create a compelling combination, and the indoor garden is the ideal place to showcase this attractive marriage of green and blue.  In her book, The House Gardener (CICO...