Category: Healthy Houseplants Blog

Mini Gardens: Houseplants Can Thrive in Mixed Company

Houseplants are amazingly adaptable.  They can thrive together in a mixed planting for years.  Such miniature gardens are attractive and give you the opportunity to mix and match a number of your favorite plants all in the same container. While all...

Garden Journal – Feature of the Month

Now is a good time to think about this year’s indoor gardening goals.  To help with the planning process, consider starting a garden journal.  It’s likely to become the most useful garden book you’ve ever owned. For several years...

Mail-Order Gardening-Houseplants-Feature of the Month

Feeling limited by the houseplant choices in your local area?  Already filled your home with easy-to-find plants like spiderplant, pothos and dracaena?Shopping via mail order is a great way to expand your indoor garden.  Through the mail you can...

Forcing Paperwhite Narcissus to Brighten the Season

Even though I’ve grown paperwhite narcissus indoors every fall for years, I never tire of the process and results. Planting these sturdy bulbs is always a pleasure, as is watching them grow.  Weeks later when the papery buds bloom and their...

Living Walls

It happens naturally outdoors. Vining plants creep and climb and cover walls and other vertical surfaces. Indoors the same affect takes a little planning and work, but the results can be spectacular.  The living wall pictured here is the creation...

How to Create a Wineglass Terrarium: Unique DIY Mini Garden in Glassware

Wineglass TerrariumsAfter you finish that glass of wine, make a decorative statement and use the wineglass to plant a terrarium. Mini gardens in glassware outfitted with tiny plants and diminutive accessories give you something pretty to admire...

Grow Houseplants from Kitchen Scraps

Grow Houseplants from Kitchen ScrapsLooking for a fun, educational project for the kids or just something different for your indoor garden?  Try growing plants from kitchen scraps. We’ve all heard of soaking and rooting avocado seeds indoors. Did...

Speech Topics

Julie speaks about a wide variety of gardening topics for local and national audiences.  Here are some of her most popular speeches.   See even more speech topics by clicking here.   Indoor Gardening the Organic Way:  How to Create an...

Interior landscaping a growing business

Houseplants are amazingly adaptable. They can thrive together in a mixed planting for years. Such Thriving “interiorscaping” industry installs and maintains indoor greenery for commercial and high-end residential clients. By JULIE...

Anthuriums Add a Taste of the Tropics to Your Indoor Garden

About Anthuriums Want to grow a houseplant that flowers nearly year-round, attracts attention and makes...