Category: Video

How to Leach Your Houseplants and Why

Leaching houseplants, which refers to rinsing the soil, is a good thing to do in order to rinse harmful salts out of the soil. Salts build up over time in houseplant soil and can cause root rot and other growth...

Will my Houseplant Be Okay if I Forgot to Water?

This video reveals if your houseplant will revive and be okay if you forget to water. Find out if your houseplant has a good chance from being droughted. Discover plants that do better with being droughted. How...

7 Signs of Healthy Houseplants

Learn the signs of healthy houseplants. Find out if your houseplant is healthy. This video will also help you choose healthy houseplants for your indoor garden collection. Signs of healthy plants include vibrant...

Croton Care: What to Know

Croton Care: What to Know Learn the secrets to keeping croton healthy. This beautiful plant features variegated leaves with greens and reds and pinks....

How Much Pumice to Add to Houseplant Soil

This video shows you how much pumice to add to your houseplant soil. How much pumice you put in your soil depends on the type of plants you are planting. Cacti and succulents require more pumice than other types...

How to Revive a Dumbcane Dieffenbachia (Part 4)

This video checks back in with Humphrey, the dumbcane dieffenbachia we revived nearly a year ago. Humphrey gets a repotting in this video. See how well Humphrey is doing and learn tips for reviving a...

Heart-Leaf Philodendron Revival (Part 1)

This video is part 1 in a series on reviving a heart-leaf philodendron (Philodendron hederaceaum). The plant was planted two low in the pot prior and had been droughted a few times, so it is struggling. Learn the...

What to Do if You Forgot to Water Maidenhair Fern

If you forgot to water your maidenhair fern, this video will show you what will likely happen with the fern and what to do. Many maidenhair ferns will lose foliage if they are droughted. Find out what to do after...

Why Water Houseplants Before Repotting

This video explains the importance of watering houseplants before repotting. Why you want to water houseplants before repotting, and how long before repotting you should water houseplants.#HealthyHouseplants...

Bromeliad Indoor Care: What to Know

Learn how to care for bromeliads indoors. These lovely plants make a colorful, architectural statement in the indoor garden. Find out how to keep bromeliads blooming for a long time indoors. Also discover how to...