The Truth About Misting Houseplants
Does misting really help houseplants stay humidified? Find out why and when you want to consider misting your houseplants. Misting doesn’t raise the humidity level for very long for your houseplants, but...
Does misting really help houseplants stay humidified? Find out why and when you want to consider misting your houseplants. Misting doesn’t raise the humidity level for very long for your houseplants, but...
Find out how to grow Creeping Charlie in your indoor garden. This lovely roaming plant is easy to grow as a houseplant. Find out what kind of watering, lighting and fertilizing the plant needs. Also discover what...
See the first phase of an African violet revival. This African violet, named Gertrude, came from the nursery in too big of a pot and started to die back as a result. We catch the plant before it has succumbed to...
Find out how to use foliar feeding on your houseplants. When you feed houseplants through their leaves, this allows them to soak up fertilizer more rapidly than through the soil. Find out how to make foliar...
This subscriber-inspired video covers what to do if your houseplant got sunburned. Find out what you can do to help your plant once it has gotten too much sun. How long it will take your plant to heal and what to...
Find out how to successfully grow coleus indoors. Though these plants only grow outdoors in the summer months, they can be grown indoors throughout the year if you keep a few growing tips in mind. This video...
Find out how to keep Venus Flytrap healthy and happy. This plant requires a specific kind of water to do well for you. It also requires specific lighting. Find out what to feed your Venus Flytrap. See the plant...
This video discusses crown rot, which is when the base of a plant dies back. When a plant gets crown rot, it’s very hard to save it. Find out the symptoms of crown rot and what to do to avoid crown rot from...
Learn all about growing succulents indoors. What kind of light succulents need indoors, as well as when to water and feed and prune succulents. Also discover the ideal temperature for...
Find out all about Zebrina plant, including where it comes from and how it got the common name of Wandering Jew. This plant has a fascinating history. #HealthyHousePlants #IndoorGardening #ZebrinaPlant...