Category: Video

Scale Insect Pests: How to Get Rid of Them

Find out how to get rid of scale insect pests. These bumplike pests will suck plant sap and can kill plants. They are brown, black, gray, white or tan and attach to foliage, stems and trunks. Their feeding...

Forcing (Growing) Paperwhite Narcissus in Soil (Part 3)

See how easy it is to force (grow indoors) paperwhite narcissus in soil. Paperwhite narcissus perfumes your indoor garden in the fall and winter months. Buy bulbs in late summer and fall to plant in fall for fall...

Easy, Quick Way to Put Screen in Plant Pots: Use Drywall Tape

Putting screen in plant pots is a good idea, as it keeps soil in pots. Find out the reasons why you want to add screen to drainage holes. Here is a quick tip for easily screening the holes in plant pots. Drywall...

Signs of Healthy Houseplants

Learn the signs of healthy, happy houseplants. Find out what to look for when you are buying houseplants, and the warning signs that a plant may not be well.#HealthyHouseplants #IndoorGardening #HouseplantCare...

Did I Water My Houseplant Enough?

Find out how to tell if you watered your houseplant enough. Discover what it means to water your houseplant enough and what overwatering is and isn’t. Find out ways to test if you watered enough. Some...

What is Overwatering?

What exactly is overwatering? Overwatering isn’t watering too much at once. Overwatering refers to watering too frequently. If you water your houseplants too often, that can cause overwatering and result in...

What to Do If I Dropped My Houseplant? / Help, my plant fell!

Find out what to do if you drop your houseplant. There are some things you want to do right away if your houseplant has had an accident. See a houseplant that I accidentally dropped and what I did when I dropped...

How to Prevent Pests and Diseases on Houseplants

Find out the top ways to prevent your houseplants from being attacked by pests and diseases. Learn tips for keeping your indoor garden pest free. Advice includes where to buy houseplants and how to choose healthy...

How to Revive a Fiddleleaf Fig (Part 4)

See how Matilda, the fiddleleaf fig in my revival series, is doing. Matilda has had a growth spurt since the last video. She also had a misadventure when her former owner tried taking her back again. Find out...

Kill Houseplant Pests with Neem Oil (Organic)

Find out how to use neem oil to treat houseplant pests. Neem oil is an organic solution for a wide variety of pests, including scale, mealybugs, thrips, whiteflies and spider mites. Pressed from the seeds of the...