How to Tell Houseplants Need Water
Learn about flagging, which is the first sign that houseplants require watering. This is a stage that many people miss, but it is the best time to water houseplants. When flagging, plants look slightly wilted,...
Learn about flagging, which is the first sign that houseplants require watering. This is a stage that many people miss, but it is the best time to water houseplants. When flagging, plants look slightly wilted,...
Learn how to quickly and easily grow green onions indoors. Simply get green onion sets and plant them in soil. Provide sufficient light and keep the soil moist but not soggy. You will have green onions to eat in...
Fertilizing your houseplants leads to healthy, lush growth. Here are 3 easy ways to fertilize your houseplants so they grow healthy and strong. Learn how to effectively fertilize with granular fertilizer. It’s...
Salt in houseplant soil can lead to sick houseplants and can even kill them. This video shows you how to remove salinity from houseplant soil. Methods include looking for salt buildup and removing it. For...
Have you repotted houseplants and they’ve ended up dying or not doing well? This video will teach you the secret to successful houseplant repotting every time. Learn about the 1/3 pot to 2/3 plant combination....
Learn how and why to pinch houseplants, which means to prune them. See how to pinch back pink polka dot plant and African violets. Pinching plants makes them bushier, so they look better and healthier. Pinching...
Learn how to make an indoor fairy garden from the author of the bestselling book, Fairy Gardening: Creating Your Own Magical Miniature Garden. This video includes many tips for planting and growing a fairy garden...
See the growth of this avocado tree, featured in two videos four years ago when it was young. See how the avocado tree, which is now 4-feet-tall, is growing. Also find out how...
If you’ve grown African violets from leaf cuttings in water, this video shows you when it’s time to pot them up and how. Growing African violets in water and getting baby African violet plants is fun and easy....
Try this quick and easy way to propagate (root) African violets by using stem cuttings. This is a great way to make more of your favorite African violets. You can also take cuttings from friend’s gardens. This...