China Doll (Radermachera sinica) Care: What to Know

China Doll (Radermachera sinica) Care: What to Know

Find out how to take care of China Doll (Radermachera sinica). This beautiful plant gets to be a small tree in the indoor garden. Discover how to keep the plant healthy and happy as a houseplant.


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Today, we have a plant care video on the China Doll plant. I love this houseplant! The botanical name is Radermachera sinica. It’s a fairly new houseplant, having been around for at least a decade, maybe a little less in indoor gardening. Compared to some plants, it hasn’t been around as long.

It grows like a tree, with beautiful, glossy foliage divided into little leaflets that are just adorable. I especially love the glossy, emerald-green foliage. This plant is native to the subtropical mountainous regions of Asia, hence the name “China Doll.” In its native habitat, these are evergreen trees that can reach 25-30 feet tall, and even up to 90 feet tall. Don’t worry, though—this won’t happen in your indoor garden. When grown indoors, the China Doll plant typically reaches 4-6 feet at maturity, making it a nice tree for your indoor garden without taking over the space.


China Doll plants need plenty of bright, indirect light. They do well in a spot near a window but not directly in a window. A spot near a southern or eastern window is ideal. They also thrive under full-spectrum artificial lighting. If you have an eastern window, you could supplement with full-spectrum lighting to ensure they get the light they need.


China Doll plants need moist, well-drained soil. Water them when the top half-inch to inch of soil is dry to the touch. Be careful not to let them dry out completely, as this can cause leaf drop. However, avoid overwatering, as soggy soil can lead to root rot. Use a moisture meter to check the soil’s moisture level; aim to water when it reads just below a “4” on the meter. Make sure the pot has excellent drainage, and never leave the plant sitting in water.

Temperature and Humidity:

China Doll plants prefer warm, humid conditions. A temperature range of 65-75°F is ideal. Avoid placing them in drafty areas or near fans that run constantly. Humidity is also crucial, especially in dry climates. Use a humidity tray, mist the plant several times a day, or place it in a more humid area of your home, like the kitchen or bathroom. Grouping plants together can also help maintain humidity levels.


Fertilize your China Doll plant with a well-balanced, organic fertilizer during the growing season (spring through summer). Avoid fertilizing in the late fall and winter.


Prune your China Doll plant to maintain its bushy appearance. Trim back the plant when it starts to grow leggy, but avoid removing more than one-third of the plant at a time. Regular, light pruning will keep it looking full and healthy.

Soil and Repotting:

China Doll plants prefer to be slightly pot-bound. Use a moist, well-draining soil mix with ingredients like peat moss or coir for moisture retention and perlite or pumice for drainage. Repot the plant when it shows signs of slowed growth or reduced leaf size.


If your China Doll plant starts dropping leaves, it could be due to a change in light, temperature, or watering. Assess the plant’s environment and make any necessary adjustments. If the plant has root rot, repot it in fresh soil and treat the roots.

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China Doll Plant Care FAQ

What type of lighting does a China Doll plant need?

China Doll plants need bright, indirect light. A spot near a southern or eastern window is ideal, but avoid placing them directly in the window.

How often should I water my China Doll plant?

Water your China Doll plant when the top half-inch to inch of soil is dry. Ensure the soil is moist but well-drained, and avoid overwatering to prevent root rot.

What is the ideal temperature and humidity for China Doll plants?

China Doll plants thrive in temperatures between 65-75°F and prefer a humid environment. Avoid drafts and use humidity trays or misting to maintain moisture levels.

When should I fertilize my China Doll plant?

Fertilize your China Doll plant during the growing season, from spring to summer, with a well-balanced organic fertilizer. Avoid fertilizing in the late fall and winter.

How do I keep my China Doll plant from becoming leggy?

Prune your China Doll plant regularly to maintain its bushy appearance. Trim back the plant when it starts to grow tall and sparse, but avoid removing more than one-third of the plant at a time.

  / healthyhouseplants   

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