Grow Your Own Microgreens

Grow Your Own Microgreens Indoors!

 Interested in growing trendy, nutritious microgreens in your indoor vegetable garden? The new MicroGreenz kit allows you to do just that. Offering everything you need to grow these baby veggie shoots indoors, the kit enables you to raise your own ready-to-clip-and-eat greens in just 10 days in a window.


Microgreens-Window Landscape shot-1      MIcrogreen container closeup-1

(Photos: Lisa and Frank Catalano)

Eaten fresh from your indoor window garden, these tasty baby greens are 40 times more nutritious than their adult versions, according to research done at the University of Maryland in College Park. And because they’re tiny and tender, they’re also especially tasty.

The new MicroGreenz kit, formulated by husband and wife team Lisa and Frank Catalano, has everything you need to easily and quickly grow your own microgreens. Attach the kit to your kitchen window, and before you know it you’ll be picking fresh greens to sprinkle on salads and stir-fries and add to sandwiches and wraps. Microgreens add a confetti of color and a burst of flavor to any dish. Choose from several microgreen mixes, including Disco Inferno, which contains several radish varieties.