Guide to Low-Maintenance Houseplants

Guide to Low-Maintenance Houseplants: You Can Grow That!

Savvy indoor gardeners know themselves and their limitations. Do you forget to water and feed your houseplants? Can you only offer low-light conditions? Is your indoor air dry? If this sounds like you and your home environment, low-maintenance houseplants are your best choice.

The following plants tend to do well in most situations, and they are generally easy to find at nurseries and home supply stores. Keep in mind that, though they can withstand neglect, they all prefer a little TLC when time permits. And all plants, even cacti, need some water to survive.

Recommended Low-Maintenance Houseplants

Aglaonema (Chinese Evergreen)

This slow-growing tropical plant is known for its graceful, oblong leaves. It is one of the best plants for low-light conditions and can survive with infrequent watering. Chinese evergreen even likes to be somewhat root-bound, so repotting is only necessary every two to three years.

10 inch Aglaonema Silver Bay 2008 in Mod Pot- resized for page          You Can Grow That-Resized-single line

Chinese Evergreen, (Photo, Costa Farms, Plants of Steel Collection) 


Aspidistra elatior (Cast-Iron Plant)

As its common name implies, this houseplant can withstand a great deal of neglect. It is a slow-growing plant with upright, dark-green foliage that thrives in low light and infrequent watering.

Dieffenbachia (Dumbcane)

This plant gets its nickname because of the sap in its leaves, which can burn the mouth and throat and may even paralyze the vocal cords. It grows well in medium light and can tolerate infrequent watering.


All dracaenas are low-maintenance plants, with the corn plant (D. fragrans Massangeana) being one of the most tolerant. Dracaenas grow in low to medium light and low humidity, continuing to thrive even with infrequent watering.

Epipremnum pinnatum Aureum (Pothos)

This vining plant with oval, sometimes variegated leaves tolerates a great deal of abuse, including low light, low humidity, and sporadic watering.

Ficus elastica (Rubber Tree)

With its thick, glossy, dark-green to purple leaves, this attractive indoor tree can grow six to ten feet indoors. It tolerates infrequent watering and some low light conditions but can become leggy if lighting is too low. 


 Sansevieria, (Photo, Julie Bawden-Davis) 

Maranta leuconeura (Prayer Plant)

This is an easy-to-grow compact plant with leaves that fold at night to conserve moisture. It can withstand some neglect, including low moisture and low light, but the leaves may not fold at night if the light is too low.


These durable vines with heart-shaped leaves can grow many feet long. They can tolerate dim conditions and infrequent watering.

Sansevieria trifasciata (Snake Plant)

This plant is tough, as its name suggests. It thrives in dry air and can tolerate temperature swings, infrequent watering, and low light. It is an upright succulent that can reach five feet tall in ideal conditions.