How to Grow Paperwhites Indoors: A Guide to Forcing Bulbs

How to Grow Paperwhites Indoors: A Guide to Forcing Bulbs

Even though I’ve grown paperwhite narcissus indoors every fall for years, I never tire of the process and results. Planting these sturdy bulbs is always a pleasure, as is watching them grow. Weeks later, when the papery buds bloom and their heady fragrance fills the house, I feel like a kid enjoying a long-awaited present.

Forcing bulbs like paperwhites to bloom out of season is a fun technique. By providing favorable conditions indoors, you “fool” paperwhites into blooming long before they would normally flower outdoors. A variety of bulbs can be forced during the fall and winter months, but paperwhites are one of the easiest and most reliable.

Now, with bulbs plentiful at the nursery, it’s the perfect time to select your paperwhites. Plant them right away, and you can enjoy their beautiful blooms just in time for the holiday season.

paperwhite narcissus

Steps for Forcing Paperwhites Indoors

Forcing paperwhites is surprisingly easy and yields stunning results. Follow these simple steps:

1. Select Bulbs Carefully

Choose large, firm bulbs for the best results. The bigger the bulb, the larger the flowers will be. Avoid soft bulbs, as they are more likely to rot during forcing.

2. Choose the Right Container

Paperwhites can be forced in a variety of containers:

  • Single Bulb: Use a hyacinth forcing jar.
  • Multiple Bulbs: Try a ceramic pot or large glass container.

3. Planting Paperwhites

Paperwhites can be grown in water or soil. For each method, consider the following tips:

  • Water Forcing: Place a single bulb just above the water level in a hyacinth forcing jar or hourglass-shaped container.
  • Pebbles or Soil: In a shallow, drainless dish, use sand, polished pebbles, marbles, or soil. Plant the bulbs tip-up, covering about half to three-quarters of the bulb. Ensure the water level remains just below the bulbs to prevent rot.

Spacing: Plant paperwhites one to two inches apart. Because they don’t rely on soil nutrients to flower, they can be placed close together.

planting paperwhite narcissus

4. Forcing the Bulbs

Step 1: Place the bulbs in a cool, dark location for four to six weeks until they are 3-4 inches tall. Keep them moist, but avoid soggy conditions.
Step 2: Move the bulbs to a dimly lit area for about a week. Support the foliage as needed to prevent flopping.
Step 3: Transfer the plants to medium light. At this point, flower buds may begin to form, and the foliage should start to green.
Step 4: Finally, place the bulbs in a bright spot, away from drafts. Strong light helps keep the flower stalks compact and upright. The blooms typically last about a week.

Tips for Continuous Blooming

For a continuous display throughout winter, stagger your planting by a few weeks. This way, you’ll always have fresh paperwhite blooms to enjoy during the colder months.