About Ficus Audrey

Ficus Audrey Introduction

Ficus Audrey, scientifically known as Ficus benghalensis, is a stunning and versatile houseplant that has gained popularity in recent years. Native to the Indian subcontinent, this majestic tree is also known as the Banyan tree or Bengal Fig. In its natural habitat, it can grow to enormous sizes, often spreading over vast areas with its aerial roots that develop into additional trunks.

As a houseplant, Ficus Audrey is prized for its elegant, upright growth habit and beautiful foliage. The leaves are large, oval-shaped, and have a slightly leathery texture. They are a vibrant green color with prominent veining, giving the plant a lush and tropical appearance. The stems are sturdy and can develop an attractive, light-colored bark as the plant matures.

One of the most notable features of Ficus Audrey is its air-purifying qualities. Like many ficus species, it is effective at removing indoor air pollutants, making it not only a beautiful addition to your home but also a functional one. Additionally, Ficus Audrey is often considered easier to care for than its cousin, the popular Ficus lyrata (Fiddle Leaf Fig), making it an excellent choice for both experienced plant enthusiasts and beginners alike.

Ficus Audrey Care & Growing Guide

Caring for Ficus Audrey requires attention to several key factors to ensure its health and vitality. This plant thrives in bright, indirect light, making it ideal for placement near east or west-facing windows. While it can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, too much intense light can scorch its leaves. Conversely, insufficient light can lead to leggy growth and leaf drop.

Watering is a crucial aspect of Ficus Audrey care. The plant prefers consistently moist soil but is susceptible to root rot if overwatered. Allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings, and always ensure that excess water can drain freely from the pot. During the growing season (spring and summer), water more frequently, reducing the frequency in fall and winter when growth slows.

Ficus Audrey appreciates a humid environment, which can be challenging to maintain in many homes. To increase humidity, you can mist the leaves regularly, place a humidifier nearby, or set the pot on a pebble tray filled with water. Regular cleaning of the leaves not only keeps the plant looking its best but also helps it photosynthesize more efficiently. Fertilize monthly during the growing season with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer to promote healthy growth and lush foliage.


Ficus Audrey thrives in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil with a pH range of 6.0 to 7.0. A mix of peat moss, perlite, and regular potting soil provides an ideal growing medium. Good drainage is crucial to prevent root rot, so ensure the pot has adequate drainage holes.

The ideal soil composition should retain some moisture while allowing excess water to drain freely. A soil mix that is too dense can lead to waterlogging and root problems. Adding organic matter like compost can improve soil structure and provide nutrients.

Soil problems to watch for include:
1. Poor drainage: Can lead to root rot and fungal diseases.
2. Compaction: Restricts root growth and water penetration.
3. Inappropriate pH: Can affect nutrient availability.
4. Salt build-up: Often from over-fertilization, can damage roots.
5. Nutrient deficiencies: May cause yellowing leaves or stunted growth.
6. Root boundness: Can occur if the plant outgrows its pot, restricting growth and nutrient uptake.

Houseplant Fertilizer Fertilizer

Ficus Audrey benefits from regular fertilization during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (e.g., 10-10-10) diluted to half strength every 4-6 weeks.

Signs of over-fertilization include leaf burn, excessive growth, or salt buildup on the soil surface. Under-fertilization may result in slow growth, smaller leaves, or yellowing foliage.

Organic alternatives include compost tea, fish emulsion, or slow-release organic granules. Ficus Audrey particularly benefits from fertilizers with added magnesium and iron to promote healthy, green foliage.

Reduce or stop fertilization during fall and winter when growth slows. Always water the plant before applying fertilizer to prevent root burn.

Houseplant Watering Watering

Ficus Audrey prefers consistently moist but not waterlogged soil. Water thoroughly when the top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch. During the growing season (spring and summer), this may mean watering once or twice a week, while in winter, reduce watering frequency.

The plant prefers room temperature water. Tap water is generally fine, but if your tap water is hard or heavily chlorinated, consider using filtered or rainwater.

Signs of underwatering include drooping leaves, dry soil, and leaf drop. Overwatering symptoms include yellowing leaves, mushy stems, and a moldy soil surface. Adjust watering based on these signs and the plant’s environment.

Watering needs may increase during periods of active growth or in warmer, drier conditions. Always check the soil moisture before watering to avoid overwatering.

Houseplant Lighting Lighting

Ficus Audrey thrives in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, but should be protected from harsh midday sun. An east or west-facing window is ideal. In lower light conditions, the plant may become leggy and lose its lower leaves.

Signs of insufficient light include elongated stems, smaller new leaves, and leaf drop. Conversely, signs of too much direct light include leaf scorching, yellowing, or browning, particularly on the edges of the leaves.

If natural light is insufficient, supplement with grow lights. For rooms with very bright light, use sheer curtains to filter the sunlight and protect the plant from burn.

Houseplant Temperature Temperature

Ficus Audrey thrives in temperatures between 60Β°F to 75Β°F (15Β°C to 24Β°C). It can tolerate slightly higher temperatures but should be protected from cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.

The plant is not frost-hardy and can suffer damage if exposed to temperatures below 50Β°F (10Β°C). It’s sensitive to cold drafts from windows or air conditioning units.

To protect from extreme temperatures:
1. Keep away from heating vents and air conditioners.
2. Use insulating curtains on windows during winter.
3. Move the plant to a warmer room if temperatures drop significantly.
4. Provide extra humidity in dry, heated indoor environments.

Houseplant Humidity Humidity

Ficus Audrey prefers moderate to high humidity levels, ideally between 50-70%. While it can tolerate average household humidity, it thrives in more humid conditions.

Signs of low humidity stress include brown leaf edges, leaf curling, and increased leaf drop. Excessive humidity can lead to fungal issues on leaves or in the soil.

To increase humidity:
1. Use a pebble tray filled with water placed under the pot.
2. Group plants together to create a microclimate.
3. Use a room humidifier.
4. Mist the leaves regularly, preferably in the morning.

Humidifying methods like pebble trays and misting are moderately effective, while a humidifier provides the most consistent results. Avoid misting if fungal issues are present.

HouseplantPropagation Propagation

Ficus Audrey can be propagated through stem cuttings or air layering. Here’s a step-by-step guide for stem cutting propagation:

1. Choose a healthy stem with at least two leaves.
2. Cut a 4-6 inch section just below a leaf node using clean, sharp scissors.
3. Remove the lower leaves, leaving 1-2 at the top.
4. (Optional) Dip the cut end in rooting hormone.
5. Plant the cutting in a well-draining potting mix.
6. Water lightly and cover with a clear plastic bag to maintain humidity.
7. Place in bright, indirect light.
8. Mist regularly and ventilate to prevent mold.
9. Roots should develop in 4-6 weeks.
10. Once new growth appears, remove the plastic and care for as a mature plant.

Air layering is more successful but takes longer. Stem cuttings have a moderate success rate.

Spring and early summer are the best times to propagate. New plants typically establish in 2-3 months.

Houseplant Potting Potting

Ficus Audrey prefers pots with good drainage holes and a well-draining potting mix. Choose a pot 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current one when repotting.

Repot every 2-3 years or when roots begin to grow through drainage holes. Spring is the ideal time for repotting.

Signs that repotting is needed include:
1. Roots growing out of drainage holes
2. Water running straight through the pot
3. Slowed growth or nutrient deficiencies
4. Soil drying out very quickly

When repotting, gently loosen the root ball and trim any damaged or circling roots. Place in the new pot with fresh potting mix, ensuring the plant sits at the same depth as before. Water thoroughly after repotting and place in a shaded area for a few days to reduce transplant shock.

Houseplant Pruning Pruning

Pruning Ficus Audrey: A Step-by-Step Guide

Best Time for Pruning

Spring or early summer, during the active growing season.


As needed, typically once or twice a year.


To control size, shape the plant, remove dead or diseased parts, and promote bushier growth.

Tools Needed
  • Clean, sharp pruning shears
  • Rubbing alcohol for sterilization
  • Gloves to protect from sap
Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Sterilize pruning shears with rubbing alcohol.
  2. Put on gloves to protect your hands from the sap.
  3. Identify branches to be pruned (dead, diseased, crossing, or for shaping).
  4. Cut branches at a 45-degree angle, just above a leaf node.
  5. For height control, cut the main stem to the desired height.
  6. To encourage bushiness, pinch off growing tips of branches.
  7. Remove any fallen leaves or cuttings from the pot.
  8. Clean pruning shears again after use.

Water the plant lightly and place in a shaded area for a few days. Resume normal care once new growth appears.

Special Considerations

Be cautious of the milky sap, which can cause skin irritation. Avoid heavy pruning in late fall or winter when growth is slower.

Houseplant Blooming Blooming

Ficus Audrey rarely blooms or produces fruit when grown as a houseplant. In its natural habitat, it may produce small, fig-like fruits throughout the year, but these are not typically seen in indoor cultivation. The plant’s primary ornamental value comes from its foliage rather than its flowers or fruits.

Houseplant Problems Pests and Diseases


Common issues

Spider mites
Scale insects


Spider mites: Fine webbing on leaves, stippling on leaf surfaces
Mealybugs: White, cottony masses on stems and leaf joints
Scale: Small, brown, shell-like bumps on stems and leaves


Isolate infected plants
Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to remove pests
Apply neem oil or insecticidal soap
For severe infestations, use systemic insecticides
Improve air circulation and reduce humidity to prevent recurrence


Common issues

Root rot
Leaf spot
Powdery mildew


Root rot: Yellowing leaves, wilting, mushy roots
Leaf spot: Brown or black spots on leaves
Powdery mildew: White, powdery coating on leaves


Root rot: Remove affected roots, repot in fresh, well-draining soil
Leaf spot: Remove affected leaves, improve air circulation
Powdery mildew: Increase air circulation, apply fungicide if severe
Adjust watering practices to avoid overwatering
Ensure proper light and humidity levels

Houseplant Features Special Features

Ficus Audrey is known for its air-purifying qualities, effectively removing indoor air pollutants. Its large, glossy leaves create a lush, tropical ambiance, making it an excellent focal point in interior design. As it matures, it can develop an attractive, light-colored bark, adding to its ornamental value. In its natural habitat, it can grow to enormous sizes with aerial roots, though this feature is less pronounced when grown as a houseplant.

Houseplant Benefits Plant Benefits

Ficus Audrey, while primarily grown for ornamental purposes, does offer some potential health benefits. Like many indoor plants, it can help improve air quality by removing certain air pollutants. This can contribute to a healthier indoor environment, potentially reducing symptoms associated with poor air quality such as headaches and respiratory irritation. The presence of plants like Ficus Audrey in indoor spaces has also been linked to reduced stress levels and improved mood and productivity.

Houseplant Benefits Additional Information

Ficus Audrey is often confused with the Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) but is generally considered easier to care for. In its natural habitat, it can live for hundreds of years and grow to enormous sizes. The tree is considered sacred in some cultures and is often associated with longevity and wisdom.

Houseplant Lifecycle Life Cycle

Ficus Audrey is a perennial plant with a long lifespan. In its natural habitat, it starts as an epiphyte, often growing on other trees before sending down aerial roots that eventually reach the ground and thicken into additional trunks. As a houseplant, it has a much more controlled growth cycle. It experiences active growth during spring and summer, with slower growth in fall and winter. With proper care, it can live for many years indoors, gradually increasing in size and developing a more tree-like appearance over time.

Houseplant ToxicityAre Ficus Audrey Poisonous, Toxic

Ficus Audrey is toxic to cats, dogs, and humans if ingested. The sap contains compounds that can cause skin irritation and gastrointestinal distress. All parts of the plant are considered toxic, with the leaves and stems posing the greatest risk. Symptoms of toxicity may include oral irritation, excessive drooling, vomiting, and difficulty swallowing. In severe cases, it can cause more serious digestive issues. If ingestion occurs, rinse the mouth thoroughly and seek immediate veterinary or medical attention. To prevent toxicity, keep the plant out of reach of pets and children, and wear gloves when pruning or handling the plant to avoid skin contact with the sap.

Houseplant FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I water my Ficus Audrey?

Water your Ficus Audrey when the top 1-2 inches of soil feel dry. This usually means watering once or twice a week during the growing season, and less frequently in winter.

What kind of light does Ficus Audrey need?

Ficus Audrey thrives in bright, indirect light. It can tolerate some direct sunlight, especially in the morning or late afternoon, but should be protected from harsh midday sun.

Is Ficus Audrey toxic to pets?

Yes, Ficus Audrey is toxic to cats and dogs if ingested. The sap can also cause skin irritation. Keep the plant out of reach of pets and children.

How often should I fertilize my Ficus Audrey?

Fertilize your Ficus Audrey every 4-6 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer diluted to half strength.

How do I propagate Ficus Audrey?

Ficus Audrey can be propagated through stem cuttings or air layering. Stem cuttings can be rooted in water or soil, while air layering is more successful but takes longer.

How often should I repot my Ficus Audrey?

Repot your Ficus Audrey every 2-3 years or when you notice roots growing out of the drainage holes. Spring is the best time for repotting.

What humidity level does Ficus Audrey prefer?

Ficus Audrey prefers moderate to high humidity levels, ideally between 50-70%. You can increase humidity by misting, using a pebble tray, or running a humidifier.

How do I prune my Ficus Audrey?

Prune your Ficus Audrey in spring or early summer to control its size and shape. Use clean, sharp pruning shears and cut just above a leaf node at a 45-degree angle.

What are common pests that affect Ficus Audrey?

Common pests that can affect Ficus Audrey include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. Regular inspection and prompt treatment can help prevent infestations.

Is Ficus Audrey good for air purification?

Yes, Ficus Audrey is known for its air-purifying qualities. It can effectively remove certain indoor air pollutants, contributing to a healthier indoor environment.

Can I grow Ficus Audrey indoors











Pet Safe


Air Purifier


Ficus benghalensis botanical details

Common Name

Ficus Audrey

Other Common Names

Banyan Tree, Bengal Fig, Indian Banyan

Botanical Name

Ficus benghalensis

Native Area

Indian subcontinent, including India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal

Family Name


Plant Type





Ficus Audrey
Ficus Audrey

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Why did the Ficus Audrey go to therapy? It had too many root issues!