Indoor Plant Décor Designing with Houseplants

Indoor Plant Décor: Designing with Houseplants

 While the ‘70s houseplant craze brought indoor gardening to the forefront, the age of macramé hangers and mismatched pots left houseplants with a bit of an image problem. That’s one reason why authors Kylee Baumle and Jenny Peterson wrote Indoor Plant Décor: The Design Stylebook for Houseplants.


Indoor Plant Decor-Blue Pot              Indoor Plant Decor-Side Table

“So many people think of indoor plants as something from the ’70s, but we need to look at houseplants with new eyes,” says Baumle. “Houseplants are timeless, and there are so many different types to choose from—the palette is big! They each have their own architectural silhouettes, colors and patterns.”

In Indoor Plant Décor, the authors move beyond the traditional indoor garden and share new and unexpected ways of growing and displaying houseplants. They show how plants are a part of the décor in many homes today and offer ways to make them even more integral, including guiding readers in choosing a style and building from there. Illustrated in the book are the eye-catching themes: Classic Elegance, Cheap Chic, Peaceful Zen, Vintage Vibe, World Beat, Traditional Mix, Modern Eclectic and Haberdashery. 

 Choose Your Own Houseplant Style

To choose your own style for your indoor garden, Peterson suggests starting with current trends and jumping off from there. “Vertical gardening is now possible with all of the cool wall display options available, terrariums are now very different and fresh from the cactus-and-sand options from the 1970s, and all the new bagged topdressings (colored mosses, vibrant aquarium gravel, polished pebbles) make any ordinary planting extraordinary,” she says.


Indoor Plant Decor-Suitcase


The authors also suggest experimenting with unusual containers and give plenty of examples for doing so. “Look at using non-traditional planting vessels,” says Baumle. “If it has enough room for some soil, it can often be planted. Being mindful of drainage, many objects can be used as a cachepot – a teapot, a basket, a drawer. Just put an already planted pot down into it, taking it out for watering and putting it back after it drains.”

And to enjoy a truly inspired indoor garden, let your imagination soar.

“Take risks and don’t be afraid of failing,” says Peterson. “If you try something new, live with it for a few days or a week before deciding whether or not it’s working for you. Many times, a really new look takes some getting used to, and while it may seem odd or over-the-top at first, after a few days, you can better see how it fits into your interior décor.”