Indoor Topiaries

Indoor Topiaries

Topiaries, the decorative shapes fashioned out of plants, spark the imagination and add a unique accent to any indoor garden. From formal hearts and hoops to spirals, cones, and even animal shapes like swans, rabbits, and elephants, the subject of a topiary often reflects the personality of its creator.

A Brief History of Topiaries

The art of topiary is nothing new. It dates back to the 14th century when Egyptians and Romans began creating these living sculptures as an important part of their gardens. Today, topiaries continue to be a favorite among garden enthusiasts for their beauty and creativity.

Creating Your Own Topiary

Toiary Framing

Topiary frames are generally fashioned out of wire. You can easily make a simple two-dimensional frame, such as a heart or hoop, or create a more complex three-dimensional shape, like a cone, ball, or animal figure. Frames are also available for purchase if you prefer not to make your own. Once your wire shape is complete, choose a pot that will accommodate the base of the frame and insert it into the soil. If possible, secure the frame to the pot for stability.

Choosing the Right Plants

Several indoor plants are well-suited for topiary. Look for plants that vine well and have small to medium-sized leaves. English ivies (Hedera helix) are a natural choice, offering a variety of cultivars with assorted leaf shapes and colors. Other good topiary plants include:
  • Hoya
  • Creeping fig (Ficus pumila)
  • Rosemary
  • Heart-leafed philodendron
  • Pothos
  • Grape ivy (Cissus rhombifolia)
  • Wandering Jew (Tradescantia sp.)
Keep in mind that some topiary plants, such as creeping fig, require a sphagnum moss-filled frame. This plant puts down clinging roots wherever it attaches, and the moss provides an ideal medium for attachment.

Training Your Topiary

If your chosen plant already has some growth, start by winding it around the topiary frame, securing it with green garden tape, hairpins, or greening pins, which can be found at a florist. Smaller plants will take time to cover the frame and should be secured as they grow. Once the topiary is filled in, maintain its shape by regularly pinching the plant back to within 1 inch of the frame.

Caring for Your Topiary

  • Watering: Keep your topiary evenly moist, but not soggy. If you’re using a stuffed frame, mist it regularly and soak the entire frame if it dries out.
  • Feeding: Feed your topiary regularly with a well-balanced organic fertilizer. Nitrogen is essential for green, even growth.
  • Lighting: Provide adequate light, as many topiary plants require bright, indirect light to thrive and avoid disease.
  • Humidity: Create a humid environment. Plants like ivy do best in humid conditions, so mist the plant throughout the day or place it over a humidity tray.
  • Pest Control: Watch for pests. A hot, dry house with poor air circulation can invite pests like spider mites. To prevent them, or if you notice an infestation, rinse the plant with cool, soapy water.
  • Outdoor Breaks: Give your topiary an outdoor vacation. Many topiary plants, like ivy, benefit from being placed outdoors in a shaded, bright area during spring, summer, and fall for five to six days each month.