This new addition to the Black & Decker Outdoor Home series helps readers bring all the benefits of outdoor gardening to the interior of their homes. In addition to bringing natural garden beauty to the indoor decor, houseplants are now known to be an important component of indoor air quality, especially in homes that are tightly sealed against outside air. Many plants filter out toxins and convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.
Indoor gardening has its own particular challenges, and this book addresses them all, including: controlling pests and diseases in a confined environment; providing supplemental lighting where natural sunlight is limited; and propagating difficult species.
Like other volumes in this series, Houseplants features the most up-to-date information available, including latest developments in potting soil compositions, water retaining polymers, pest and disease control. The plant encyclopedia is the most comprehensive listing of popular indoor species and includes not only flowers and foliage plants, but also ornamental grasses and dwarf trees.

Book Details
- Series: Black & Decker Outdoor Home
- Paperback: 128 pages
- Publisher: Creative Publishing International (November 1, 2001)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1589230035
- ISBN-13: 978-1589230033
- Product Dimensions: 10.8 x 8.3 x 0.3 inches
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Book Reviews
When I had a home of my own I vowed that I would not succumb to her tactics with plants. I love the look and ambiance of living plants and was determined to have many of my own. Over the years I have become a more avid gardener and have always loved indoor houseplants. Although I have become a better indoor gardener it seemed that I still had my mother’s knack of being able to swiftly kill some plants until I came across the Black and Decker series book, “Houseplants & Indoor Gardening”. This book gives you so much information for decorating your home with houseplants it is unbelievable. After reading this book I quickly was able to identify some quick targets of my plants demise. One was as simple as the selection of plants when buying them in the nursery. It is a great reference tool that I use almost daily. I really love the encyclopedia of Common Houseplants which breaks all the specifications and growing conditions needed for certain plants. Overall I have found this book to be invaluable. A must have if you want you indoor garden to flourish!!!!!!
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