The Strawberry Story
With more than 5,000 copies sold, this second edition of, The Strawberry Story: How to Grow Great Berries Year-Round in Southern California, shows novice and pro gardeners alike how to grow sweet, juicy strawberries throughout the year in Southern California. Learn the best types for growing in the Southland, how to create the perfect environment and how to plant, care for and propagate these tasty fruits. A chapter is dedicated to battling pests and diseases. You’ll also learn the best ways to harvest and store strawberries, and recipes give you a delicious way to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Says Curtis Gaines, UC Davis Innovation Access – Strawberry Field Representative about the book: From my perspective working with California commercial strawberry growers and nurseries, this book is a great resource for the home gardener. The Strawberry Story is a beautiful and simple book that will show Southern California sun-loving gardeners how to grow, harvest and preserve healthy and tasty berries.

- Paperback: 96 pages
- Publisher: Garden Guides Press; 2 edition (April 5, 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0989253708
- ISBN-13: 978-0989253703
- Product Dimensions: 5.5 x 0.2 x 8.5 inches
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Book Reviews
I heard Julie Bawdin Davis speak about growing strawberries at a garden club meeting, and I knew this knowledgeable Master Gardener would write a great book (one of many) and she did.
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