As the Worm Turns: The Garden Plot

If you love gardening and enjoying a good mystery, Marty Wingate has the perfect summer read for you. Her new book, The Garden Plot, shares the story of Pru, an American working as a gardener in England, who unearths an ancient Roman mosaic in a worn-out shed, followed by a dead body. In between gardening jobs, Pru uses her sleuthing skills to unravel the mystery.


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A longtime garden writer and mystery reader, Wingate writes for a variety of magazines about gardening and is the author of the book, Landscaping for Privacy. She also leads garden tours throughout North America, Ireland, Scotland and England.

“I’ve had a fabulous time writing about Pru and her make-believe gardening world,” says Wingate. “The process of writing is also a lot like gardening. You work hard digging, designing and planting and then you watch the book spring to life,” she says. 

Grab a copy of Wingate’s book, which is in e-book format, and don’t fret when you’re done if you’ve fallen in love with Pru. The author is releasing more mysteries in the series every six months.